Practical impulses for your diversity work

Drei Frauen in Brainstorming Session

Continuous, sustainable, effective

Let’s face it: creating equality, diversity and inclusion in companies is no easy task. It’s a process. Not a project that is completed after term X and then “we’re done”. It gets down to the nitty-gritty, to the essence: structures that have grown over the years, the corporate culture, established processes.

We support you in mastering this challenge.

The Employers for Equality programme achieves this through:

  • Raising awareness among executives and management as key change agents.
  • Open good practice sharing among member companies for specific target groups and topics
  • (Online) skill building trainings & workshops for your management, executives and employees
  • Regular target group-specific exchange formats
  • Continuous support for you as well as permanent reflection and further development of the methods and formats of the programme

Due to current circumstances, the Employers for Equality programme will initially be offered online. This means that your employees can visit our events independent of location and without travel expenses. As soon as possible, offline offers or a combination of online and offline events will be available.

How does it work

Membership means that you can choose the content relevant for you and send exactly those employees who benefit the most from participating. 

You can join the programme at any time.

Inhalte des Programms

Gender Equality basic module

“We are still at the very beginning of these issues.”

This feeling keeps many companies from positioning themselves on equality and diversity. We help you with the first and second steps. In the basic training your employees and managers are sensitised to the topic.

Skill Building Trainings & Insights

“So how do we go about this in concrete terms?”

Within the framework of (virtual) workshops, seminars and lectures, we provide you with expert knowledge about gender equality and diversity in companies.

Your employees receive practical impulses that they can apply directly in their daily work.

Good Practice Sharing

“How do other companies actually do it?”

There is probably no question we hear more often in our exchanges with our partners. We organise (virtual) rounds for a trusting exchange of experiences among HR & Diversity managers, executives and top management from the member companies. In this way, you benefit from each other’s experiences and learnings and advance each other’s careers.

Conference call for staff networks

Internal networks are strong supporters on the way to more equal opportunities in the company. They offer committed employees a great opportunity to actively shape change.

These actors benefit enormously from regular cross-company exchange, which we offer in an uncomplicated and accessible way for all interested parties.

Role Model Events

These networking events offer you the opportunity to meet outstanding personalities, inspiring people and movers and shakers from different sectors and organisations, to discuss with them and learn from them, or to position role models from your own ranks and share your success stories.

Access to a network of committed companies

With your membership, you become part of a constantly growing network of companies that are committed to equality and diversity and want to inspire and support each other.

Annual Members Conference

At the members’ conference you will receive the latest insights on the topic of Gender Equality & Diversity and come together with representatives of all member companies to get to know each other and exchange experiences – virtually or “in real life”.

Accompanying process

We are approachable for you. In regular Jour Fixe Conference Calls, we organise an intensive exchange on the success of your measures and on the progress of efforts towards more equality and diversity in your company.