
Neurodivergence in the working world

Not an issue?

Beccs steht in einem Wald und trägt eine senfgelbene Strickjacke und ein dunkles Jackett, welches Beccs locker über die Schulter wirft. Beccs schaut neutral in die Kamera. Auf Beccs Kopf sitzt ein dunkelbrauner Hut mit Feder. Beccs Hals schmückt ein Schmetterling-Tattoo.

Speaker: Beccs Runge | CEO, Minzgespinst

Date: 08.07.2024

Time: 14:30 – 16:00

Language: English

Location: online

Target group: For anyone interested in neurodivergence in the workplace


Anyone who has ever tried to connect an iPhone to a Microsoft computer knows how different compatibility can lead to problems. 

Whether neurodivergent people are more likely to use the Linux distribution or an iOS is debatable – but that they differ from a neurotypical Windows system is obvious. Instead of looking at  weaknesses, the lecture will focus on thestrengths of neurodivergent people. They are more often overqualified and less likely to be found on the general labor market. The lecture will take a practical look at how inclusion can be made more successful. 


About the format:

In our Insights, participants will receive a well-founded overview of the topic and will be sensitized to its challenges with the help of practical examples. In a Q&A session, the content presented will be reflected on and discussed with participants‘ own questions from the various corporate realities.

About Beccs Runge (es/nims):

As CEO and public face on social media platforms, Beccs Runge represents Minzgespinst. For 3 years, Beccs has been helping individuals, organizations, publishers and companies to break new ground and master new challenges. Beccs feels just as comfortable on stage as Beccs does in the conference room or in 1:1 consulting. Inclusion needs networking and representation. As an autistic, severely disabled, non-binary trans person, Beccs is ideally placed to show how inclusion can succeed.


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